The Ultimate Guide To Offshore Tax Havens - Samuel Blankson

The Ultimate Guide To Offshore Tax Havens

By Samuel Blankson

  • Release Date: 2005-06-16
  • Genre: Business & Personal Finance


The Ultimate Guide to Offshore Tax Havens
by Samuel Blankson

This book is a detailed listing of all the known, and not so commonly known, Tax Havens, their benefits, and their suitability for relocation by the low tax seeker. If you are looking for ways to cut your taxes, there is no better way than to relocate to a low or no-tax haven. However, as we have recently experienced with the South East Asian Tsunamis and earthquakes, it is prudent to select this haven carefully, with more than low tax rates in mind. A must read for all who aspire to changing their lifestyles by relocating offshore. The havens are listed in geographical order, starting with the USA and ending in the South Pacific Islands. 

From the author :-

"Let us now look offshore to the places you could move your business, family, and investments, to gain privacy, security, and a reduction or total elimination of your taxes.

Before you read any further, you need to decide if moving offshore is the right decision for you. You can regularly move between half a dozen high tax countries without incurring major taxes, as long as you do not generate any sources of income in these countries, or overstay the minimum period to become a taxable resident there. By the latter, I mean that you should never stay for longer than the 182 days that normally entitles you to be considered a resident for tax purposes.

For instance, if you spend less than 3 months a year in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, or in the many European and Asian developed countries, you would never qualify as a resident for tax purposes, yet you could enjoy the benefits of these countries whilst avoiding their associated tax headaches. To do this, you must first make sure that you are in a financial position to afford such a lifestyle. We will now explore this option by looking at the offshore options available to you worldwide."

About the Author :

An entrepreneur at heart, Samuel Blankson blends art, creativity, passion, business acumen, and financial expertise with careful planning and execution in the achievement of measurable results. He is an avid reader, writer, researcher, and securities trader.
Samuel has authored over twenty books (How to Destroy Your Debts, Living the Ultimate Truth, Developing Personal Integrity, The Practical Guide to Total Financial Freedom volumes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, and Attitude are some of these works). He has written over 100 songs, sixty of which are featured in Sixty Original Song Lyrics. He writes poetry, creates artwork, and works daily to express his creativity in many ways.
